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Museum of Science and Cellular Respiration

Museum of Science and Cellular Respiration

Eighth grade students in Ms. Caitlin Hatta's science class recently were tasked with developing a model to describe how food is rearranged in the body through chemical reactions.

Ms. Hatta said the students had to use their knowledge of chemical formulas, chemical reactions and the Law of Conservation of Matter to develop a model that explained how cellular respiration occurs in an organism and what that organism might do with the energy that is released during cellular respiration.

Then, on a museum plaque, students had to write out the connections that their model had to the real world application of this phenomenon.

The students set up a museum in the LMC to display and discuss their work.

Students were able to choose what type of format they wanted for their model, which included, but was not limited to, movie shorts, children's books, posters, dioramas and brochures.

Some formats included an explanation of the cellular respiration process as told by cartoon characters such as Curious George, Dora and SpongeBob SquarePants. 

The students enjoyed using their creativity while learning about this chemical process. 


  • Chippewa